If you’ve been thinking about buying or selling a home in the near future, the unprecedented events of the last few weeks might have left you feeling a bit uncertain. COVID-19 has undoubtedly affected all of our lives, but that doesn’t mean you need to press pause on your real estate dreams. We want to […]
5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Decor for Spring
The days are getting longer, temperatures are starting to climb, and the trees are finally starting to turn green again. As spring approaches, it’s a great time to freshen up your decor and add a splash of color to your space. Looking for some quick, easy, and affordable design tips? Here are a few ways […]
Maritime Forests by Diane Lea
As the “Quiet Season” on Hatteras Island comes to an end and residents and visitors look to the Easter Holidays and the opening of seasonally closed businesses, there is one more adventure to enjoy before the seasons change. That is walking, hiking or running in the verdant maritime forests that comprise Frisco and Buxton Woods. […]
The Top 10 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Buyer’s Agent
When buying a home, who you choose to work with matters more than you think. Finding the right agent can make or break your entire experience, so it’s important to interview a few candidates before settling on “the one.” Not sure where to start? Here are a few must-ask questions to consider before you pick […]
4 Easy, Low-Budget Projects Buyers Will Love
Up Your Home’s Resale Value with These 5 Outdoor DIY Projects
Spring is coming, and summer is closer than ever. That makes it a great time to get outside and spruce up your home’s exterior! If you’re planning on selling your home soon, a little outdoor maintenance can go a long way. As know outdoor maintenance is especially important for beach homes. Here are five outdoor […]
Bodie Island Marsh Blind by Diane Lea
It is “quiet time” on Hatteras Island, so called by Gee Gee Rosell, our friend and fellow resident whose Buxton Village Books is a year-round business. But there is plenty to do as can be attested by the recently concluded and successful Hatteras Island Oyster Roast. Close on the heels of the now famous roast […]
4 Tips to Ace Your First Home Purchase
If you ask a homeowner what it was like to buy their first home, they’ll probably mention a few things they’d change if they could do it all again. While it’s impossible to know everything about the home-buying process beforehand, you can still prepare yourself for what lies ahead—and figure out how to avoid some […]
Classic Coastal Living in Salvo, NC by Jennifer Axness
Few if any areas along the East Coast can compare to North Carolina’s stunning Outer Banks in terms of pure, spectacular beauty and beach appeal. Salvo, NC, just 30 miles north of the Cape Hatteras lighthouse and just minutes from Rodanthe and Avon’s iconic piers, is one of just a handful of small Hatteras Island […]
6 Tips for Selling Your Home In a High-Risk Flood Zone
Location, location, location — one of those often quoted, sometimes overused, phrases people tend to equate to real estate. When you’re buying a home, it might be a determining factor. When you’re selling, what seems like a “bad” location to some might hamper your future plans. So how do you overcome the negative connotations attached […]